Needham, M. D., & Cramer, L. A. (2020-2022). A longitudinal assessment of resident perceptions of Oregon’s marine reserves. Sponsor: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Final Report
Larson, L., Peterson, N., Lee, K., James, D., Morse, W., Futral, M., Stein, T., Langston, D., Poudyal, N., Huskey, R., May, M., Chizinski, C., Rawlinson, J., Gigliotti, L., Longmire, C., Bethke, T., Dayer, A., Moyer, B., Whiting, J., Blanchard, C., Needham, M., Chase, L., Kyle, G., Hall, S., Irwin, K., Lane, W., Springer, M., Wallen, B., Rodriguez, S., Downer, B., Farmer, J., Basiger, J., Kelly, M., Beyer, S., Bruskotter, J., Postell, E., Van Deelen, T., Warnke, K., Stedman, R., Stang, K., Graefe, A., Jagnow, C., Romulo, C., Quartuch, M., Sharp, R., Ahlers, A., Austin, A., Metcalf, E., & Lemon, G. (2019-2020). Evaluating the promise and potential impacts of R3 efforts targeting college students (year 2). Sponsors: Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Munanura, I., Kooistra, C., Lindberg, K. & Needham, M. D. (2018-2019). Oregonian’s attitudes toward tourism. Sponsor: Travel Oregon / Oregon Tourism Commission. Final Report
Betts, M. D., Verschuyl, J., Needham, M. D., Maguire, D., Mainwaring, D., Stokely, T., Latta, G., Phalan, B., Rivers, J., Fitzerald, S., & Hatten, J. (2015-2020). Quantifying tradeoffs and synergies between ecosystem services in intensively managed forests. Sponsor: Institute for Working Forest Landscapes.
Needham, M. D. (2015-2017). Resident needs and visitor behaviors in Portland Metro Regional Parks. Sponsor: Metro (Portland, Oregon). Final Reports: Portland Regional, Gleason/Broughton, Blue Lake
Needham, M. D., & Cramer, L. A. (2014-2016). Resident perceptions of the Oregon marine reserve system. Sponsor: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Final Report
Needham, M. D., & Shelby, B. (2013-2015). Visitors and use levels on the Lower Sandy Wild and Scenic River. Sponsor: US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. Final Report
Needham, M. D., & Howe, G. T. (2013-2017). Forest health biotechnologies: What are the drivers of public acceptance? Sponsor: US Endowment for Forestry and Communities and The Forest Health Initiative.
Szuster, B. W., Mora, C., & Needham, M. D. (2011-2013). Social carrying capacity of manta ray night dive sites in West Hawaii. Sponsor: University of Hawaii College of Social Sciences.
Needham, M. D., & Cramer, L. A. (2011-2013). Coastal resident perceptions of proposed marine reserves in Oregon. Sponsor: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Final Report
White, E. M., Rosenberger, R. S., & Needham, M. D. (2011-2013). Oregon state park economic contribution analysis and survey support. Sponsor: Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.
Needham, M. D., & Morzillo, A. (2010-2011). Landowner incentives and tolerances for managing beaver impacts in Oregon. Sponsors: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Bonneville Power Administration. Final Report
Rosenberger, R., & Needham, M. D. (2009-2010). Oregon State Parks visitor use survey: Survey methods pilot test project. Sponsor: Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. Final Report
Needham, M. D., & Rosenberger, R. (2009-2012). Community benefits of recreation, leisure, and urban proximate public lands. Sponsor: USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station.
Needham, M. D. (2009). Tillamook Forest Center visitor survey analysis and reporting. Sponsor: Oregon Department of Forestry. Final Report
Szuster, B. W., & Needham, M. D. (2008-2009). A recreation management-by-objectives framework for Hawaii’s coastal resources: Applications at Kealakekua Bay and Molokini Shoal. Sponsors: Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Final Reports - Molokini | Kealakekua Bay
Rosenberger, R., & Needham, M. D. (2008-2011). Public support, demand, and potential revenue for recreation on the McDonald-Dunn Forest. Sponsors: Oregon State University College of Forestry and College Forests. Final Report
Falk, J., & Needham, M. D. (2008-2009). Measuring the impact of a science center on its community. Sponsor: Noyce Foundation.
Needham, M. D. (2007). Visitor tradeoffs and preferences for conditions at Henry Rierson Spruce Run Campground in Clatsop State Forest, Oregon. Sponsor: Oregon Department of Forestry. Final Report
Needham, M. D., & Tynon, J. (2007). A multi-stakeholder approach to carrying capacity and management of nearshore reefs in Hawaii. Sponsors: Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative Research Program (HCRI-RP) and Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Final Reports - Pupukea | Kailua Beach Park | Waikiki Diamond Head
Needham, M. D. (2006-2011). Effects of concessions and commercial operations on forest recreation and tourism use. Sponsor: USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station.
Needham, M. D. (2006). Visitors’ experiences and preferences at Lost Lake in Clatsop State Forest, Oregon. Sponsor: Oregon Department of Forestry. Final Report
Vaske, J. J., & Needham, M. D. (2004-2005). Colorado hunters’ responses to chronic wasting disease. Sponsor: Colorado Division of Wildlife.
Vaske, J. J., Manfredo, M. J., & Needham, M. D. (2003-2005). Hunters' responses to chronic wasting disease (CWD). Sponsors: Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
Needham, M. D. (2003). Recreation and tourism segmentation markets among Colorado’s counties. Sponsors: Cooperative Extension Department, Colorado State University, and Department of Local Affairs, State of Colorado.
Needham, M. D. (2000-2002). The ‘other’ season at ski hills: Applying the limits of acceptable change to a study of summer alpine recreation on and adjacent to Whistler Mountain, British Columbia. Sponsors: Bassett Family Bursary for Environmental Research and University of Victoria Graduate Award.